Josiah Edward Johnston was born on 15th March 1926 in Killycreenagh, ashfield to George and Ellen Johnston. He had one brother Robert and two sisters Maureen and Nora. He went to school in Doocarrickns Co. Cavan. when he was 10 his parents sent him to live with his aunt Maggie and uncle Bob Reynolds on theirs mall farm at Aughanagh, Drum, Co. Monaghan. as a young man he enjoyed playing in Ashfield Flute Band, Co. Cavan. He also enjoyed meeting up with his firends and was blessed with an outgoing personality and a good sense of humour. He attended church in Drum Church of Geeland and also enjoyed Faite mission meetings. However, Joey was not interested in farming but carried out various farm tasks such as hay-making, potato gathering and working at the grass crop. It was a back-breaking, smelly and dirty job.
In the 1950's Joey left Drum and travelled to London to work as a labourer on the building sites. Life was very different here and he was fortunate to stay with his aunt Rachel.
During this time Joey courted Elizabeth Reilly. Elizabeth's family had emigrated to London in the mid 1950's and had settled in Harrow greater London. They married on 16th July 1960 and their firts child, Angela, was from the following year. Both Joey and Elizabeth were born again Christians and they enjoyed attending and evangelical church there.
In august 1961 the family unit of parents and baby daughter returned to live on the farm outside Drum with Joey's elderly aunt and uncle. Life was hard on the farm and Elizabeth missed her job in Kodak. Over the years six more children were born; Nigel, Pamela, Sandra, Mark, Colin and Andrew. Joey sold animal concentrates for many years to supplement the family income. He progressed to area sales Manager for simplex milking machine and grain storage specialist. Joey loved this job and could be found calling with farmers both north and south of the border selling equipment. He became very well known and had friends from all backgrounds and walks of life. Joey, Elizabeth and family became one of the founder families of the Republic’s first Free Presbyterian Church in 1971. On retirement Joey enjoyed travel, gardening visiting friends and family now aged 91, he lives in Rose Cottage, Drum with his wife.